Green Collar Jobs: The Green Economy and Workforce Development — A Learning Agenda was a 2008 conference in Sacramento, California, facilitated with the help of the Breakthrough Communities Project and Earth House Center, and made possible by generous support from the Tides Center, Bank of America Foundation, Mitchell Kapor Foundation, Rosenberg Foundation, and the San Francisco Foundation.
Bringing together leaders from philanthropy, California’s community colleges, labor unions, workforce development, community based organizations, the private sector businesses and state government and legislators, the conference examined and discussed best practices that will shape the future for expanding and strengthening Green Collar Jobs in California.
CA Statewide Context:
Historically, it has been said that “as goes California . . . so goes the nation.” As a state that leads the rest of the country in progressive policy, partnerships and innovative thinking, we are well-positioned to advance a state-wide and national agenda towards a green economy that works for all.
This year, two bills have been introduced in California’s State Legislature, the Green Collar Jobs Act of 2008 or AB 3018:
>>> AB 3018
And the Energy: Renewable Energy, Climate Change, Career Technical Education, and Clean Technology Job Creation Bond Act of 2010 or SB 1672:
>>> SB 1672
The bills are authored by California State Assembly Speaker Emeritus Fabian Nùnez and Senator Darrell Steinberg.
Additional Documents:
California Economic Strategy Panel Regions Report (232kb PDF)
The Green Economy: Documents and Links
Discussion paper for a California green jobs bill
(from California Apollo Alliance and Ella Baker Center)
Clean Technology and the Green Economy (1.8mb)
CA Green Innovation Index (1.4mb)
Greener Pathways (12.5mb)
Silicon Valley Index (7.0mb)
CA Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley
Poverty in California: Documents and Links
Changing Face of Child Poverty (111kb PDF)
Just the Facts: Child Poverty (78kb PDF)
Workforce Development Strategies: Documents and Links
Green-Collar Jobs in America’s Cities
Green Collar Jobs: An Analysis
CA Edge Campaign White Paper
Industry Cluster Analysis
(Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation)
Environmental Scan: Solar Industry in SF Bay and Greater Silicon Valley Regions
(Centers of Excellence, California Community Colleges)
On the Move – Spring 2008 — UC Berkeley Labor Center
Philanthropic Initiatives: Documents and Links
Philanthropy’s Role in Workforce Investment
(Council on Foundations)